Q: Can you get cash for keys on a short sale in Nevada? A: Yes! In fact, here are a few actual letters. The Robo-signing Settlement may have helped more homeowners obtain this incentive. Here is the language on the last “Cash for Keys” letter we received here in Nevada: “An opportunity for additional relocation […]
What benefits are there for me with the Robo-signing Settlement?
The Robo-signing Settlement is the second largest settlement in history and it can save you from foreclosure. The news has been abuzz in the past few weeks about the historic Robo-Signing Settlement reached between the government and five major lenders. The settlement raises lots of questions, but for homeowners who are in danger of losing […]
Robo Signing Settlement
If you know someone who’s property was foreclosed between Jan. 1, 2008 and Dec. 31, 2011, they may have been subjected to fraudulent practices. Folks are sending in letters (like the one below) to their state Attorney General with their current contact information in the event there is a cash settlement due. If you had […]
Historic Robo-Signing Settlement is Not Without Controversy
On February 9thth, the United States Justice Department released the details of a $25 billion dollar settlement they reached with 5 major banks. The settlement occurred because the banks were accused of widespread use of “Robo-signing.” Robo-signing is a practice employed by banks to automate the processing and approval of foreclosure proceedings against homeowners. In […]