Nevada Energy has announced a new program to recycle your old refrigerator. Chances are, the old refrigerator or freezer in your garage is running up your utility bill by an average of $140 per year. Why not recycle it, reduce your energy use and keep harmful materials out of landfills. Nevada Energy will pick it […]
Mortgage Delinquency Rate for Nevada, 2012
Nevada mortgage delinquency rates are the second highest in U.S. at 10.85 percent Via: LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL, Aug. 9, 2012 Nevada posted the second-highest mortgage delinquency rate in the nation at 10.85 percent in the second quarter, nearly twice the national average of 5.49 percent, TransUnion financial services reported Wednesday. At the same time, […]
Loan Modification Guide
Q: Where can I download a loan modification guide for free? Answer: Here! Download a free loan modification guide by filling out the form below and the 18-page guide will be emailed to you right away. The Loan Modification Guide includes: 5 Critical questions to ask about your loan modification. Secrets to negotiating with any […]
How many loan modifications have been approved in 2012?
How many loan modifications have been approved in 2012? Answer: The number of loan modifications approved in 2012 is on the decline as compared to the same time frame last year. There was a thirty one percent (31%) decline in the number of loan modifications approved this year as compared to the same time period […]
Principal Reduction Mortgage and Taxes
Do I get 1099 if I get a principal reduction from my mortgage company? Answer: Yes. This is called cancellation of debt and you will almost certainly get a 1099-c. Please check with your accountant or tax expert on the exact consequences.
Government to Monitor Credit Reporting Agencies
Government to Monitor Credit Reporting Agencies July 16, 2012 Via: Associated Press Govt to supervise credit reporting for first time. NEW YORK (AP) — The companies that determine Americans’ credit scores are about to come under government oversight for the first time. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said Monday that it will start supervising the […]
Deficiency Judgments in Nevada as of June 2011
One of the most poignant issues covered in the 2011 Nevada Legislature was deficiency judgments in Nevada as it relates to first and second mortgages. New legislation on deficiency judgments in Nevada was in 2011. You can download a free 12-page worksheet on the new laws using the form below. In this worksheet, you will […]
Deed in lieu vs Foreclosure?
What is the difference between a deed in lieu and foreclosure? Answer: A deed in lieu of foreclosure (also known as a deed in lieu) still results in you having to leave your home. However, you’ll technically avoid having “foreclosure” on your credit report and you’ll avoid being evicted from your home. What is […]
HAFA Short Sale Rules, Program Extended to Dec 31, 2013
HAFA Short Sale Guidelines Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives (HAFA) Short Sale Update: HAFA Supplemental Directive 12-02, effective June 1, 2012, impacts short sales with loans from non-government-sponsored enterprises in which the homeowner is eligible for the HAFA program. Key enhancements include: Time frame extended: The program has been extended to Dec. 31, 2013. The HAFA […]
Bank of America Deficiency Judgement, New Policy on Second Mortgages
Bank of America announces changes to deficiency judgements on short sales with a second mortgage. As part of the settlement with the Department of Justice, Bank of America’s policy on pursuing deficiency judgments for second mortgages now includes a waiver of their right to pursue a deficiency if: The short sale was initiated on or […]