Homes for Sale Northwest Las Vegas | 4413 Nolan Lane, Las Vegas NV 89107

702-675-8211 | Homes for sale Northwest Las Vegas by Las Vegas Real Estate Agent, Tania Michaels $55,000 4413 Nolan Lane, Las Vegas NV 89107 VIRTUAL TOUR Color Brochure PDF Youtube Video Request Offer Submission Package on this listing from your Las Vegas real estate agent. For more information about this home, please contact the […]

What do you suppose is the shadow inventory size in Las Vegas right now in 2012?

Q: What do you suppose is the shadow inventory size in Las Vegas right now in 2012?   Answer: Let’s start here: There are still over 150,000 mortgages underwater in Las Vegas but how many are in default and yet not on the market for sale? (ergo the definition of the term “shadow inventory.”) SHADOW […]

Las Vegas Supply of Homes for Sale begins to Dwindle

YES, IT’S A GOOD TIME TO SELL. Las Vegas Shadow Inventory begins to dwindle Single-family home inventory down to six-week supply. By Hubble Smith LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL Posted: Apr. 10, 2012 | 2:02 a.m. The inventory of single-family homes available for sale in Las Vegas without a contingent or pending offer dropped to 4,901 in […]

Veer Towers