What do you suppose is the shadow inventory size in Las Vegas right now in 2012?

Q: What do you suppose is the shadow inventory size in Las Vegas right now in 2012?   Answer: Let’s start here: There are still over 150,000 mortgages underwater in Las Vegas but how many are in default and yet not on the market for sale? (ergo the definition of the term “shadow inventory.”) SHADOW […]

Las Vegas Supply of Homes for Sale begins to Dwindle

YES, IT’S A GOOD TIME TO SELL. Las Vegas Shadow Inventory begins to dwindle Single-family home inventory down to six-week supply. By Hubble Smith LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL Posted: Apr. 10, 2012 | 2:02 a.m. The inventory of single-family homes available for sale in Las Vegas without a contingent or pending offer dropped to 4,901 in […]

Yale University Professor: Housing Recovery a Generation Away

Yale University Economics Professor Robert Shiller says a total recovery of the housing market may take a generation as new home sales falter and prices barely rise. VIDEO: http://www.usatoday.com/video/housing-recovery-a-generation-away/1582170849001 Find out if you might be eligible for any Cash for Keys programs in Nevada. Start your short sale in Las Vegas. Request a callback from […]

Las Vegas New Homes Sales/Prices Gloomy

Via LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL Posted: Feb. 21, 2012 | 2:01 a.m. Rising optimism among national home builders has yet to spread to Las Vegas, where new-home sales totaled just 216 in January, down from 237 in the same month a year ago and the lowest level on record, Home Builders Research reported Monday. The report […]

Home Prices fall to 2002 Levels

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — The housing market started the new year with a thud. Home prices dropped for the fifth consecutive month in January, reaching their lowest point since the end of 2002. The average home sold in that month lost 0.8% of its value, compared with a month earlier, and prices were down 3.8% […]