702-675-8211 https://michaelsteam.com/6436seaswallow | 2-story, 5bd, 3ba, 3752 sqft, 6098sqft lot, 3 car garage, Yr 2004 | MLS# 1494527
Aliante Homes for Sale 89084
Pedigree: 6436 Sea Swallow Street is situated in the heart of the Master-planned golf community of Aliante. Designer/builder Kaufman and Broad Homes issued a limited release of only six models with an array of configurations and options here in the San Destin Palazzo subdivision.
Property Values: The 3752 square foot expansive floor plan is known as the “Bello” and includes upgrades and options such as the “super family room”, game room, garden room, master suite retreat and balcony, and one full guest quarter with 3/4 bathroom downstairs.
Talking Point: Affectionately dubbed “The Journey” by one family member, owner Sung Cho, carefully planted fruit trees in the backyard so that all who visit could enjoy a taste of the home.